Climbing For Change

July 8, 2015

Bringing Education to Amedichi

July 8, 2015

Julian and Stephen are dedicated agents of change and took on a strenuous challenge to raise money for the Obakki Foundation’s education initiatives in Africa.

This incredible duo spent eight months hiking, running and cycling in preparation for the summit of Argentina’s Mt. Aconcagua. At 22,800 feet, it’s the highest mountain in the Western and Southern Hemispheres and it took two weeks to complete the summit.

By pushing through the physical, mental and spiritual challenges of such an arduous climb, Julian and Stephen demonstrated how commitment, drive and dedication could transform the lives of others.

While in South Sudan this past spring, Treana was thrilled to announce a new educational program in the village of Amedichi that will be funded by Julian and Stephen’s donation. They and you will see how every dime raised will go directly to those in need – the inspiring women and children of Amedichi: