Connecting Worlds Through Kindness

April 27, 2015

Taking pen pals to the next level

April 27, 2015

Connecting donors to their villages is one of the best parts of my job. When an individual, family or group decide to support an entire village, a bond is formed that transcends geography, culture and even language.

I’m humbled and grateful to witness it.

In most cases, the donors and their villages will never meet in person – the donation is made from a place of pure kindness and generosity, while on the other side of the world a community thinks of those who have helped them.

I’ve seen beautiful and genuine exchanges of global compassion through our donor program. I get to sit in villages and tell them of the people who have transformed their community with true and lasting change. Then I return home and deliver stories, photos and messages from the villagers themselves, facilitating a true relationship that lasts for years. As one village elder told me to tell their donor:

“As long as this water well remains, our children’s children will know your name.”

On this trip I was able to deliver a message and photo from the donor of Kuel’s water well to the village leader, Gabriel. I sat back and watched as Gabriel stared intently at the donor’s photo for 15 minutes straight, studying the smallest details, as if he were trying to reach through the photo and communicate his thanks directly. 

I know that the donor’s picture will remain one of Gabriel’s most prized possessions, just as I’m certain that the donor will cherish pictures of Kuel’s success and Gabriel’s message of thanks.

I am so lucky to do what I do. — Treana Peake, Founder, Obakki Foundation